Apple devices are recognized for their sleek design and efficiency, however they can occasionally slow down. If your device experiences this issue, there is no need to be concerned, as there are methods available to restore its speed. This article will guide you through several techniques to revive your Apple…
Author: admin
Block any word you don’t want to see on Twitter
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Block any word you don’t want to see on Twitter
If there’s a particular word or phrase that you never want to see on Twitter, you can block it using Twitter’s built-in filtering feature. Just go to your account settings and add the word or phrase to your blocked list. Once it’s been added, you’ll no longer see tweets containing…
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The history of twitter and its creation
Twitter was founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams, with the site launching in July of the same year. The origin of the name Twitter comes from the word tweet, which refers to a brief burst of information. The initial tweets were posted on…